• Sealy, TX 77474

  • Vacant Land / Foreclosure Auction

Property Details for null St, Sealy, TX 77474



Foreclosure Info


This property is up for Auction, either as a foreclosure or as a standard re-sale. The sale will go to the highest bidder. You may be able to purchase this home at a very low price, especially if very few bidders show up. Auctions can be risky, but can be very rewarding if you know how to bid.

Do you have a business plans and blueprints to show your creative design transforming? This amazing piece of land comes with building, pond, and alternate form of housing/office buildings into your future venue. Please advise listing agent and/or Office Manager what business you are inquiring for this property to accommodate, as well as where you are in the process of the potential business that this property will be used for. For example, let us know if funding is already in place, if more/new funding needs to be applied for, have you been pre-qualified or will you be paying cash. Also, what the current status is of licensing that correlates with the type of business you propose. Don't waste any time!

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